What Does Check Engine Light Mean?
When most people see the check engine light turn on, it can be quite worrying because determining the problem is the next challenging step to take. While some problems may be apparent and easy to fix, others may require a professional car inspection before you’ll be able to return to the road at all. In any case, it’s best not to panic but to first educate yourself on what the check engine light is there for.
Since 1996, car models have been manufactured with an internal set of diagnostic tools inside of your car’s engine computer. Under a protocol named OBD-II, these diagnostic trouble codes are linked to a universal connector which allows technicians to access information about your vehicle in order to determine issues with the engine. However, depending on the manufacturer of your vehicle, the warning light may be orange, yellow, or amber. And depending on the severity of the problem, the light may stay stagnant or being flashing, indicating the need for engine service.
Most Common Issues
While there are diagnostic readers that drivers can operate themselves to determine the cause of the engine light turning on, a professional car inspection can find out the problem with ease. It’s important to realize just how many problems are indicated by the check engine light because many of the issues require a replacement. Faulty ignition coils and spark plugs are at the top of the list for triggering the check engine light, followed closely by failing oxygen sensors. If the light presents a flashing pattern, it may indicate that there’s been a misfire that can potentially overheat your catalytic converter if left unchecked. Other issues signified by the check engine light include the need to replace the mass airflow sensor, ignition coils, fuel injectors, and many more internal components. As you can tell, pinpointing the issue from such a large list of problems requires a professional car inspection and assistance from Jiffy Lube services.
What Happens Next
If your check engine light remains illuminated even after applying your own set of fixes, it’s time to bring your vehicle in for professional Jiffy Lube services. Maybe the problem is more serious than you previously had expected, or maybe you’ve remedied the issue but there’s an electrical error keeping the check engine light on. Either way, the first part of Jiffy Lube services begins with an in-depth diagnostic test to accurately determine the cause of the warning signal. After finding the root of the problem, your technician will decide on the best course of action for fixing the situation. Once the engine service has been applied, the technician will then reset the engine warning light. In a small number of cases, the check engine light may illuminate when there is no problem at all, in which case it will soon fade. By staying on top of your vital engine services the moment you notice the check engine light turning on, you’ll be able to prevent serious damages from occurring in the near future.